Thank you for considering Camp4Kids as a place to donate your time and talents. Volunteers are vital to Camp4Kids. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to meet the needs of the kids, families, and adults who live in our communities.
At Camp4Kids, we know that your time and talent are precious, and we want every minute you spend with us to be worthwhile. That’s why we are asking you to take a few minutes to fill out this application. It will help us to begin to make the right match between your skills and interest and the opportunity available.
You will find questions on this form about your background, former residences, places of employment, and so on. We hope you’ll understand that, unfortunately, there are a few people who apply for volunteer jobs at Camp4Kids which for one reason or another just don’t make the cut. We will be screening applications and you will be notified if you have been chosen to interview for a volunteer camp counselor position. Please contact Nikki Pham ( or Michael Dobyns ( for more information.