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Pocket Gamer Connects 2025 Volunteer Application Form
Pocket Gamer Connects is the leading international conference series for the global games industry. We focus on connecting you with the right people bringing together delegates from across the entire ecosystem with all the key formats covered from mobile, PC and console to  XR, blockchain, AI and web3 technology.

You can find more information on the events here:
But why buy a ticket to attend when you could be part of it? We always invite a select number of volunteers to help us out behind the scenes. Not only will you be assisting in the delivery of the leading b2b conference for the global mobile games industry, but you'll also gain free access and have the chance to rub shoulders with the games industry's finest.

Please complete the short form below if you're interested in helping out at the events across the year. We'll get back to successful applicants a little nearer to it.

You must be over 18 years old to volunteer for this event.
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Which event are you interested in Volunteering at? (Please note you must be a local in the area to volunteer)
First Name *
Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Enter (DD/MM/YYYY). Note: All volunteers must be over 18 years of age.
Company Name or College (if applicable) *
T-Shirt Size *
Country *
City *
Contact email address *
Mobile number including country code *
Volunteer Availability:
Our conferences involve a set-up day (Day 0) and two conference days (Days 1 & 2) – please select your 'day availability' below (timings are approximate and selected volunteers will be given updated schedules).
Have you volunteered or worked on events before?  Please give us a few details... *
Can you speak any languages? 
Please give us an idea of fluency if so...
Why do you want to volunteer at the event?
By submitting your details to us, you agree to the SM Privacy Policy ( see ) and to Steel Media processing your personal details securely and in compliance with the GDPR, and for the purpose of volunteering to help at Steel Media events and for Steel Media to be able to legitimately contact you in relation to this. You may also be required to provide documentation to prove you are over 18 years old.
Handling of sensitive data *
During the time you volunteer with us, you may need to access, process or handle Personal Data as defined under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In almost all cases your role is as a 'Data Processor' when managing or handling this Personal Data whilst working with us. This is a term defined under the GDPR and gives you responsibility for how you must protect data you have access to, you must never transfer personal data without it being secure (eg. password protected) and states that you must not share data to any third party individuals or companies without permission from the 'Data Controller' which in all cases is a director of Steel Media.
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