Professional Development Survey
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01. Which type of Broker are you?
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02. How many transactions did you do last year? (Please use your personal number not Team/Company numbers)
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03. What is your average price bracket that you work with? (Buyers & Sellers)
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04. How many years have you been in business?
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05. What is your age bracket?
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06. What Designations do you currently hold? (Please check all that apply)
07. What Designations would you be interested in getting in the FUTURE? (Please check all that apply)
08. What is your Business Specialty? (At least 51% of your business is derived from this source – check off all that apply)
09. What is your office size? (Number of agents)
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10. Does your company offer a training program/products?
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11. Are you satisfied with the training program/products that you currently receive from your company?
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12. When was the last time you took a class from DMAR?
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13. When you are required to take a class (CE, Commission Updates, Ethics, etc.) would you prefer to take the class...
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14. What subjects most interest you if you were taking a class at DMAR (outside of Designations; check all that apply)  
15. What do you find most beneficial about your DMAR membership? (Please check all that apply)
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16. Is there anything else you believe would be helpful for the Professional Development Committee to know about your educational/professional development needs for 2016?
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