Dress Code Survey
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I am *
I am currently in *
This year I have been "dress coded" for the following(check all that apply): *
("dress coded" is any request to remove, adjust, or add to clothing/hat)
How many times this year have you been asked to adjust to comply with dress code? *
(otherwise known as being "dress coded")
In my opinion, our dress code is: *
I feel the dress code is: *
If we had fewer rules in the dress code... *
If I could eliminate/modify two things from the dress code, they would be: *
(choose your top two items)
When I get dressed for school, I am thinking about: *
(check all that apply)
The PowerPoint from Ms. Anderson: *
The reading selections from class *
I plan on presenting my Claim, Evidence, Reasoning about dress code at the Dress Code Summit *
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