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Artassembly Summer Camp Application
Event Timing: July 8-26, August 5-30

Dear Parents, 
We are excited to invite you to join our fun, educational, creative summer camp! The schedule runs from 10:00 to 3pm and will include both reading and writing skills, as well as immersive arts and crafts projects. Please provide the following information so that we can make sure your child has a safe and wonderful summer camp experience. See the Summer Camp outline attached below and contact us for further details and information.

Contact us at (886) 966488017 or 
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Which camp are you registering for?
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Your Childs Name *
Your Childs current grade
Parents Name *
Parents Contact Number
Dietary restrictions *
How did you hear about us? *
I hereby give permission for my child to be photographed and am aware that these images may be used for future promotional materials.  我特此允許對我的孩子拍照,並了解這些圖像可能會用於未來的宣傳材料 *
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