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Aspiring Barristers Book Club
Aspiring Barristers' Book Club enables participants to discuss with other individuals and professionals interesting and thought-provoking literature covering a broad range of topics and writing styles.

Participating in Aspiring Barristers' Book Club provides a great opportunity for aspiring student barristers to enhance their oral advocacy skills in a relaxed environment by contributing to discussions alongside their peers. It also broadens one's reading choices by engaging with a variety of different literature including (but not limited to) books, novels, poems, graphic novels, journal articles, case Judgments and autobiographies.

Each Book Club meeting is chaired by either a Barrister, Solicitor, Judge or Academic and takes place on the last Thursday of each month (excluding December) at 6:30-7:30pm (unless informed otherwise). All Book Club discussions take place over Zoom and participants are sent the login details ahead of each meeting.

If you are an aspiring student barrister who would like to participate in the Book Club's next meeting, please complete the form below. Once completed, you will receive an email confirming your Aspiring Barristers Book Club membership and further information about the Book Club itself.

Participants are asked to offer a book suggestion themselves at the time of joining that may then be used for subsequent Book Club meetings.

Participation in the Book Club is open to both Aspiring Barristers Members and non-Members.
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By ticking the box below you confirm that you would like to become an Aspiring Barristers Book Club member. *
By ticking the box below you confirm that you give your consent to Aspiring Barristers contacting you via email (using the email you have provided below) to provide you with the Book Club Zoom joining details.

By ticking the box below you confirm and understand that you will be emailed the Book Club Zoom joining details automatically each month on an ongoing basis.

By ticking the box below you confirm and understand that should you no longer wish to automatically receive the Book Club Zoom joining details, that you will inform Aspiring Barristers of this by emailing who will then no longer send you the relevant joining information.
Please provide the email address that you would like the Aspiring Barristers Book Club Zoom joining details to be sent to.

(Please note that the email you provide will only be used for the purpose of sending you the Zoom link and will be processed purely for the sole purpose of enabling you to participate in the Book Club).
Your book recommendation for potential use at future Book Club meetings.  *
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