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NPA New Students Lottery/Waitlist Application
ATTENTION! Your application must be submitted on or before Friday, January 12th, 2024, in order to be included in the 2024-25 lottery.  All applications received after the lottery deadline will be added to the waitlists in the order they are received.

We will begin accepting Application for the 2025-26 school year in November, 2024.  The deadline for the 2025-26 lottery will be January 10th, 2025.  All applications received after the lottery deadline will be added to the waitlists in the order they are received.

Please be cautious in selecting the proper year for which you are applying.  If you wish to apply for more than one year, please submit two applications, one for each school year.

Don’t wait until the last day to submit the application in case of technical difficulties.

A complete registration with personal documents submission will need to be completed after you have been offered a spot.

Do not use this form for foreign exchange students.  Please have the foreign exchange agency contact the registrar at
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Solicitud de lotería/lista de espera NPA 

¡ATENCIÓN! Su solicitud debe enviarse el viernes 12 de enero de 2024 o antes para ser incluida en la lotería 2024-25. Todas las solicitudes recibidas después de la fecha límite del sorteo se agregarán a las listas de espera en el orden en que se reciban.

No espere hasta el último día para comenzar el proceso de solicitud en caso de dificultades técnicas.

Será necesario completar un registro completo después de que se le haya ofrecido un lugar.

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