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Survey for the 2023 General Elections
This is a survey conducted by Prof. David Robinson (PhD) on the Nigerian General Elections that comes up every 4 years in the country.

The next election is expected to hold 2023 next year.

Reward for Survey [optional]: Admittance into a draw for #10,000 airtime or cash voucher.

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What's your age range? *
What's your Geopolitical zone of origin? *
Are you planning to vote come 2023? *
Have voted before? *
Which of these parties do you support? *
Why do you support the chosen party? *
Which of the major contestants do you think is the most popular across the country? *
Which of the major contestants do you think is the major threat to your choice? *
Why do you support your choice of candidate? *
Does your choice have verifiable records concerning the previously chosen reasons? *
Do you have a PVC? *
What do you think is the probability of your candidate winning? *
According to reports and statistics, the Northern parts of Nigeria are considered to hold the highest voting power. Do you think there will be a shift to the Southern parts come 2023? *
Do you think your candidate will penetrate the North? *
Can your party win without a merger? *
Would you still support your candidate if they step down to be a VP in your or another political party? *
How peaceful and transparent do you think the next elections would be? *
Would you vote in the Senatorial Elections? *
Would you vote a senator with alleged bad records just for the sake of empowering your Party in the NASS? *
How do you see yourself? *
Would you like to participate in the #10,000 draw? *
Email (for only draw participants)
Thank you!!!
Thank you for participating in this survey.
We appreciate your responses.
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