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R.E.M. Street Team Sign-Ups
Do you love to share the books you're reading with your friends and family? Do you enjoy helping authors spread the word about up coming releases? If so, you've come to the right place! I'd love your help to get R.E.M. in front of the eyes of potential readers.

First off, thank you so much for your interest in joining my street team! It truly takes a team to create a successful book launch and I appreciate it so much. So, without further ado, details will be listed below:

All street team information and tasks will be shared through email and a private Instagram page where I hope to create a street team community.

Street Team members will be asked to:

. Share Graphics (made either by me, Quill and Flame, or feel free to make your own).

. Help share announcements and book news.

. Leave Reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, and any other sites you'd like.

. Request R.E.M. at their local library.

. Help spread the news in general

Street Team members benefits:

Street Team members will be offered e-ARCs of R.E.M. 
And after release day (May 2, 2023) will be entered into an exclusive giveaway.
Street Team members will also receive an exclusive discount code to use at the Q&F Etsy shop!
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Name (first and last) *
Email *
Why do you want to be part of my street team? *
Where do you most enjoy sharing about books? *
What is your handle/s? *
Number of followers per platform? (Doesn't directly effect eligibility, but is helpful to know.)
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