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Casco Project Graduation
Save the Date!  Project Graduation will happen directly after Graduation on June 2nd, from 8pm until 6am the following morning.  This will be a fun and substance-free night full of activities for Seniors to cap off their high school career. The event is parent-organized and run.  

We need your help to pull this night off for our children!  Please fill out your contact information below and we will back in touch with details on volunteer opportunities.  There will be a variety of tasks, from small to larger -- something for everyone to help out with.

You can email Melissa McStay at with questions about volunteering.

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Parent/Guardian Name *
Student's Name *
Email for Parent/Guardian *
Phone Number for Parent/Guardian *
There will be a variety of tasks, from helping with food, general chaperoning areas, and supporting some fun activities. Please choose shifts for which you would be available.  If you can help out for all three shifts, that would be great! We need a lot of help to make this night a success!
Do you want to have a conversation with someone about Project Graduation to ask questions or  to learn more?
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