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Midterm Survey
This survey is anonymous. I would love to know how you're feeling in the class and at BMCC, what's working for you in this class and what you may need help with.
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1. How would you rate your experience so far this semester at BMCC, on a scale from 1 to 4?
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2. How would you rate your experience so far in Prof. Barnes' class?
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3. What type of classes are you taking this semester?
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4. What is your preferred mode of instruction?
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5. Can you explain why your answer for question #4? (For example, why do you prefer to take classes online, a mix, etc?)
6. Are you currently passing Prof. Barnes' class (with at least a 60 in the weighted total on Blackboard)?
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7. What, if anything, do you enjoy about this class? (No points deducted if you hate it!)
8. What, if anything, would you like to add/ see more in this class?
9. What has your experience been with the OpenLab?
10. When are Prof. Barnes' office hours? 
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11. Have you visited Prof. Barnes during her let's chat/ office hours? 
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12. Do you feel a sense of community in this class? 
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13. Do you know everyone's name in the class? 
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14. Have you visited the writing center this semester? 
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15. Is there anything else you'd like to share? 
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