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Volunteer Sign-Up
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Gateway to Glacier Trails! Please fill out the following form to let us know what areas you are interested in. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number *
Emergency Contact *
Emergency Contact - relationship to you *

Please list any medical conditions that may affect your activities as a volunteer:


Are you currently certified in any of the following?

Which general volunteer opportunities are you interested in? *
I am interested in volunteering at the following planned events
Please list any other volunteer interests you may have
Is this for a volunteer under the age of 18?
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I assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of the work on Gateway to Glacier Trail projects and events - including but not limited to Cedar Flats Trails, the River Trail, Gateway to Glacier Trails and Pints for Paths. I hereby release, absolve indemnify and hold harmless Gateway to Glacier Trails, Board members and employees and any or all of them for any injuries I may sustain as a participant in these activities. Volunteers are involved at their own risk. Further I hereby grant authority to a qualified doctor to render such treatment as deemed necessary under the circumstances.

My typed name below certifies as signature agreeing to the volunteer terms or Gateway to Glacier Trails. If this form is for a minor under age 18, the typed name below of a parent or guardian certifies signature.

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