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1-R Student & Parent Information
Dear 1R Families,

I am so excited to meet your first grader!  Please complete this form to help me prepare for this upcoming school year.  This information will help me learn more about your family and communicate with you.  Note: your responses are exclusively for my own classroom use.

I am looking forward to a great year!
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Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
Student's date of birth:
Preferred Name /Nickname *
How I label your child's folders, table spot, etc.
Primary language spoken at home
Does your child understand any additional languages?
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If yes, please list
Parent/ Guardian 1 *
First Name
Parent/ Guardian 1 *
Last Name
Parent/ Guardian 1
Parent/ Guardian 1 *
Cell Phone Numbers
Parent/ Guardian 1 *
Do you give permission for this email to be used for classroom purposes? *
Parent/ Guardian 1
Parent/ Guardian 1
Work Number
Parent/ Guardian 2:
First Name
Parent/ Guardian 2:
Last Name
Parent/ Guardian 2
Parent/ Guardian 2
Cell Number
Parent/ Guardian 2
Do you give permission for this email to be used for classroom purposes?
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Parent/ Guardian 2
Parent/ Guardian 2
Work Number
List name(s) and age(s).  If at Baker School, please indicate grade and homeroom, if known.
Additional Emails/Contacts
Is there anyone else you would like to be included in emails and class meeting invitations?  
Is there anything you would like me to know about your child's learning and/or social/emotional well-being?
Is there anything else you'd like me to know about your child before the year begins?
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