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SJSM Library Patron Application
Thank you for your interest in the SJSM Library! Please fill out the application below, even if you have used the library in the past, as we are updating our database. Within a week or so, you will receive an email with your login username and password to log into the SJSM Library OPAC (online patron access catalog). You may need to check your spam or junk folder for this email. After logging in, you can browse our collections, and reserve and renew resources as needed. Checking out resources can only be carried out at the library onsite. We look forward to serving you!

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Mr (Salutation: Mr. Ms. Dr.) Surname, First Name(s) *
Email *
Cell phone *
Last FOUR digits + ending letter of your NRIC  *
Address with zip code *
If you've used the library in the past using a different surname, what was the name?
Are you a regular worshipper at SJSM? Please tick...
Which resources are you most interested in accessing within our library?
What other resources are you interested in using within our Library?
•    Loan Privileges: 5 items for three weeks (Main Collection), 2 items for one week (Reference Collection). You can renew your items online after signing in.
•    Returning: You can return your items through the Book Return Slot or the library counter itself. Book drop returns are checked in only on weekends. Overdue fines are $0.50 per week (Main Collection) and $1.00 per week (Reference Collection); via e-payment or cash.
•    Lost or Damaged Items: If you have lost or damaged a library book, you can buy a replacement copy or pay the list price.

Other details about borrowing, reserving and renewing books can be found within the HELP section of the online catalog.
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