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Submission for ACA 2021 Online Archival Screening Night
At the 2021 ACA Conference the Sound and Moving Image SIS will be presenting our first ever online Archival Screening Night - a program of preserved short video and/or film clips (5 minutes or less) from archives across Canada. We are now accepting proposals to be part of the program.

We hope to hear from you! If you have any questions about the screening night please email   
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Submission Title - this will go in the program *
Submitted By *
Organization - this will go in the program *
Who will be presenting (we will ask you to submit a short video of you introducing the clip) *
Email address *
Phone number *
Do you hold the rights or have permission from the rights holder to screen your clip online?
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If you are accepted, will you be able to submit your clip as a digital file via file sharing? *
Original Video/Film Format - this will go in the program *
Audio - this will go in program *
Duration (must be 5 mins or less, including your introduction) - this will go in program *
Aspect Ratio - this will go in program *
Description of Submission (50 words or less) - this will go in program *
Preservation History of Submission (20 words or less) -this will go in program *
Notes or special instructions
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