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FindYouCoin to FindCoin Exchange
Remember, exchange rate is 1 FindCoin (new) for 10 FindYouCoin (old).

Steps to exchange coins:
1) Open the FindYouCoin client to perform the steps below.
2) Send the coins you want to exchange to FndToNewFndBurnAddressXXXXXXWXXnTA.
3) Right click the transaction and copy the transaction ID.
4) Send us the transaction ID and await your coins. They will be sent to one of the addresses you previously owned in FindYouCoin.
After you receive an email with an address:
1) Open your FindYouCoin client, and head to help -> debug.
2) Choose the console tab and type "dumpprivkey <insert address we sent you here>", then press enter.
3) Copy the output and close the FindYouCoin client.
4) Open your FindCoin client.
5) Open console and type "importprivkey <paste what you copied in step 3 here> Trade", then press enter.
7) You will now have your coins.
Old method (if you followed the earlier steps to switch wallet.dat then use this)
1) You can now send your coins into a new wallet.dat to get rid of unconfirmed transactions. To do this, use another computer with FindCoin running and send the coins to it. You can also copy a receiving address from your original FindCoin wallet.dat and send to it after you switch the two wallets. Once the coins are sent, switch the wallets back.
Some people are reporting that they are having trouble sending their coins to another wallet, if so, do the following:
In your wallet right click the transaction that is unconfirmed ("?") and copy the transaction id.
Open your debug console (help -> debug) and write in getrawtransaction <txid>. Replace <txid> with what you copied.
Copy the output
Write in the console sendrawtransaction <rawtx>. Replace <rawtx> with what you just copied.
Head to and paste the raw transaction in there as well and broadcast it.
Check your confirmations on<txid>.
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Should you mess up any step, we need your email to notify you something went wrong.
Transaction ID *
What was the transaction ID? Right click the transaction and copy it.
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