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Information Sheet
Academic Procrastination: The relationship between Academic Motivation, Self-regulation and Perfectionism with regards to Academic Procrastination.

You are being asked to take part in a research study on Academic Procrastination  

My name is Pedro Forjaz, I am a psychology student at National College of Ireland. My aim for this study is to find out how each variable uniquely predict Academic Procrastination (Academic Motivation, Self-regulation and Perfectionism).

In this study you will be asked to read the accompanying consent form and will be required to consent before taking part. You will be asked to complete 4 questionnaires:  the Procrastination Assessment Scale for Students (PASS), Academic Motivation Scale (AMS), Self-Efficacy Scale--Revised--English Version (SES) and Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS). The PASS is used to assess as the name suggest academic procrastination, it consists of 44 questions and it can take from 3 minutes to 4 minutes to complete. The AMS consists of 28 statements. The AMS tests of 3 constructs, intrinsic motivation extrinsic motivation and amotivation, each question is tailored to fit into one of the 3, this questionnaire can take from 2 to 4 minutes. The SES consists of 10 statements which the participant is given the choice of 1 to 4 (1 being “not at all true” and 4 being “exactly true”) depending on what is true for yourself, this can take around 30 to 60 seconds. The MPS consists of 45 questions is given a choice from 1 to 7 (1 being “agree” and 7 “disagree). This scale tests 3 different dimensions of perfectionism: Self-Oriented, Other Oriented & Socially Prescribed Perfectionism, this scale can take around 3 to 4 minutes.

This study may take 15 minutes to complete.

You may decide to stop being a part of the research study at any time without explanation but once the data is submitted or sent to the researcher for examination, you cannot ask for your data to be destroyed as every piece of data received will be completely anonymous, so the researcher has no way of knowing what data belongs to which individual.
 You have the right to have any questions answered in the process of the research or the completion of each scale. You have the right to stop at any time without any form of penalty.

Participation is voluntary and so participants will not be rewarded. There are no known risks for you in this study but if for any reason any problem arises do not hesitate to email the researcher.

The data we collect do not contain any personal information about you. No one will link the data you provided because you will not be required to provide any personal information (e.g. name or email address).
The data you provide through the questionnaires may sometime in the future be used for publication or presentation but like stated above no individual will ever be identifiable from the data.

I will be glad to answer your questions about this study at any time. You may contact me at

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Consent Form
In agreeing to participate in this research I understand the following:
This research is being conducted by Pedro Forjaz, an undergraduate student at the School of Business, National College of Ireland.
The method proposed for this research project has been approved in principle by the Departmental Ethics Committee, which means that the Committee does not have concerns about the procedure itself as detailed by the student. It is, however, the above-named student’s responsibility to adhere to ethical guidelines in their dealings with participants and the collection and handling of data.
If I have any concerns about participation I understand that I may refuse to participate or withdraw at any stage.
I have been informed as to the general nature of the study and agree voluntarily to participate.
There are no known expected discomforts or risks associated with participation.
All data from the study will be treated confidentially. The data from all participants will be compiled, analysed, and submitted in a report to the Psychology Department in the School of Business. No participant’s data will be identified by name at any stage of the data analysis or in the final report.
At the conclusion of my participation, any questions or concerns I have will be fully addressed.
I may withdraw from this study at any time, and may withdraw my data at the conclusion of my participation if I still have concerns.

Ticking the box indicates that you are a college student, 18 years of age or older.
I have read and understood the information provided and fully consent to participate in this study *
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