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How Can We Help You, Comets?
Have you seen someone being bullied?  Have you been bullied yourself? Are you worried about a friend?  Provide the details of what's going on in section two and we'll see how we can help! If you have seen something you think we should know about, please tell us here.

a. Bullying is when there is an imbalance of power (for example: older to younger child or non-disabled to disabled child). Do you feel there has been an imbalance of power? Yes/No
b. Bullying is repeated behaviors over a period of time. Has the behavior been repeated 3 or more times? Yes/No
c. Bullying is not a friendship issue, horse-playing, peer conflict, or normal teasing. Has the behavior been unwanted, aggressive that was intended for hurt or harm? Yes/No
d. If you answered yes to all three, please proceed with the form. If the answers are no, please contact your school administration for assistance.

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