Records of toxicity events on honeybee colonies
Because your voice can be heard!
This survey is anonymous and it is an initiative of the APIMONDIA Working Group ‘Adverse Effects of Agrochemicals and Bee medicines on bees’. It is not designed to draw statistical conclusions, rather to register the events. Its aim is not to replace any detailed initiative taken by other organisations or countries. Finally, the results of the survey will not be used for personal or institutional benefits. However, they might be used through APIMONDIA Federation as a proof of honey bee toxicity in the world in order to draw the attention of Public Authorities to the issue ‘Health and survival of bees’. Please register any toxicity event that you know of.
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Continent *
Name of your Country *
How you would discribe the area around your colonies *
You can choose more than one answer
Year of the effect *
Month of the effect *
Type of effect on the colonies *
You can choose more than one answer
Please specify what are the  'other' effects
Number of colonies dead or affected *
Was the toxicity due to a  PLANT protection product? If yes, please fill in the next fields (if known) *
Name of crop (if you know it)
Name of PLANT protection product (if known)
Was the toxicity due to a VETERINARY product? If YES please fill in the next fields (if known) *
VETERINARY product No 1:  Name
......VETERINARY product No 1:  Name of active substance (if known)
......VETERINARY product No 1: Times of application
Season of apllication
You can choose more than one answer
Existence of laboratory confirmation for the toxicity. If yes please answer the following question also *
Type of sample used for the analysis
You can choose more than one answer
This phenomenon is oberved only in your apiary or also in others around you? *
You can choose more than one answer
Do you want to tell us something else?
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