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MY REGION WINS! 2024 Survey
To better serve the community, My Region Wins! is conducting a needs assessment to access input from community members.  Participation in this process is voluntary and your input will remain anonymous; please do not put your name on this survey.  Group results will be used to inform planning, service delivery and may be shared with organizations (e.g, Metropolitan Energy Center) to access funding. Thank you in advance for your assistance!
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Have you heard of MY REGION WINS! before? *
If yes, please describe what you know about MY REGION WINS!
 What are the primary needs of your local community? (check all that apply)
How can not-for-profit organizations better serve the needs of their communities?
The Kansas City Metropolitan Energy Center is expanding efforts to make Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging stations accessible to community members. For example; an EV Charging Station is located near Noble Boon Area 1 at 72nd and Indiana. What are your thoughts and/or questions about EV Charging Stations?
What other suggestions do you have for My Region Wins! as it strives to serve community needs?
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