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GamerGate political attitudes survey
1,540 responses
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Describe your political identity
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Has GamerGate made you question your previous political identification?
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If YES, describe this further
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Has gamergate made you more libertarian?
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Are you now more likely to see the left as authoritarian?
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Are you now more likely to consider voting for right-leaning parties or candidates?
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"As a result of GamerGate, I am now more likely to trust conservatives than feminists." Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
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Does the concept of "Grey Libertarianism" appeal to you?
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Politics & The Media
Has your opinion of left-leaning media sources declined, improved, or stayed the same?
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Has your opinion of right-leaning media sources declined, improved, or stayed the same?
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Has your opinion of libertarian-leaning media sources declined, improved, or stayed the same?
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Has your opinion of 'centrist' media sources declined, improved, or stayed the same?
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Has your opinion of publicly-funded media outlets declined, improved, or stayed the same?
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"Left-wing/liberal/progressive bias in technology and videogames journalism is a problem." Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
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Would you be receptive to media sources that covered tech and videogame news from a right-wing perspective?
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Political issues (1 = disagree entirely 5 = agree entirely)
The free market could fix most social problems if it was left alone by Government
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Government-run services are generally more inefficient and expensive than privately-run services.
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In order to attract talent and business to a country, it is important that tax rates on rich individuals and corporations remain competitive.
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The gap between rich and poor is growing, and this is a major problem.
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There ought to be a global effort to tackle tax avoidance
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The level of Government debt is out of control
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Cutting spending is preferable to raising taxes
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Political issues (1 = disagree entirely 5 = agree entirely)
Gay marriage should be legal
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Abortion should be legal
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Opposing gay marriage or abortion should not negatively impact an individual's career or business venture
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Men, women, and minorities should be held to the same standards.
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No group should be subject to discrimination, but equality of outcomes is a misguided goal
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Although it is not an excuse for unequal standards, innate differences between the genders exist and should be discussed.
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"Positive" discrimination is no better than any other form of discrimination and should be opposed
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There is an epidemic of sexual assault on American campuses.
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Political movements designed to advance the interests of particular genders, races, or sexual identities are inherently divisive and discriminatory
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If there is a feminist movement, there should also be a men's rights movement.
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Words like racism, misogyny and homophobia are losing their meaning through increasing misuse
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Nothing, no matter how offensive, should be off-limits to art or comedy
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"Safe spaces" and "Trigger warnings" are just convenient masks for policing speech, art, and opinions.  
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Those who try to define what is socially acceptable or unacceptable often have authoritarian instincts, and should not be trusted.
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Political issues (1 = disagree entirely 5 = agree entirely)
The science is settled: climate change is primarily a man-made phenomenon
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The growth of extreme weather conditions is linked to global warming
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Even if climate change is not occuring, efforts to promote renewable energy are good
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Wind farms are a blight on the natural landscape
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Nuclear power is an acceptable energy source
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Political issues (1 = disagree entirely 5 = agree entirely)
Our civil liberties are being excessively curbed in the name of anti-terrorism
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Edward Snowden is a patriot, not a traitor
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Guantanamo Bay ought to be shut down
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President Obama has been a disappointment in terms of restoring civil liberties lost under the Bush Administration.
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Western nations should intervene in conflicts to promote and defend human rights
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Military budgets are far too bloated and should be slashed
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