School Counseling Needs Assessment for Parents
I will be visiting your child’s classroom regularly for Classroom Guidance Lessons.  I would like your input about what skills you would like for your child to experience in my lessons.  

Ak chcete uložiť svoj postup, Prihlásiť sa do Googlu. Ďalšie informácie
What grade is your student in? (check all that apply to students you have in our school)
Please take a moment to rank the following topics according to what you feel is most important.
Career Education
Least Important
Most Important
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Self Confidence Building
Least Important
Most Important
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Character Education (Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Citizenship, Caring, Fairness)
Least Important
Most Important
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Managing Feelings (Coping with Anger, Sadness, Disappointment, etc)
Least Important
Most Important
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Problem Solving
Least Important
Most Important
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Anti-Bullying Techniques
Least Important
Most Important
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Any additional comments
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