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Traffic Safety in Playa Del Rey
Help Councilmember Mike Bonin improve traffic safety in Playa Del Rey by completing this short survey!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number
Address *
Zip Code *
How do you experience Culver Blvd? *
(Select all that apply)
Priorities for Culver Boulevard
Rank your priorities below.
How important is it to you to see fewer speeding vehicles on Culver Boulevard? *
(1= lowest priority, 5=highest priority):
Low Priority
High Priority
How important is it to you to see less cut-through traffic on Culver Boulevard? *
(1= lowest priority, 5=highest priority):
Low Priority
High Priority
How important is it to you to feel safer as a pedestrian walking along Culver Boulevard? *
(1= lowest priority, 5=highest priority):
Low Priority
High Priority
How important is it to you to feel safer as a pedestrian crossing Culver Boulevard? *
(1= lowest priority, 5=highest priority):
Low Priority
High Priority
How important is it to you to feel safer as a bicyclist riding on Culver Boulevard? *
(1= lowest priority, 5=highest priority):
Low Priority
High Priority
How important is it to you to be able to move quickly in a car on Culver Boulevard? *
(1= lowest priority, 5=highest priority):
Low Priority
High Priority
Which of the following is the MOST important to you? *
Please share any additional comments you think would be helpful to improve traffic safety on Culver Boulevard.
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