We're ready to put together our team for our second year of GISHWHES. Do you have what it takes? (Honestly, what it takes is a love of randomness and charity, and a willingness to be silly in public.) We're not super competitive, so if you're serious about the competition you may want to look for a team elsewhere. If you want to have a good time and do some good in the process, we're the team for you.

Official GISHWHES registration is roughly $20. You will be responsible for your own registration fee. There may be additional costs in supplies depending on which tasks you take on. All members of GISHSMASH must be 18+.

More info on GISHWHES:
To see what we did last year:
For an idea of what the experience is like:
What name/handle do you prefer to be called? (RL name or Internet handle, doesn't matter to us.) *
What is your email address? *
How old are you? *
What area of the world do you live in? (Be as specific as you are comfortable being, please!) *
If you have a Twitter account, please share it with us.
If you have a tumblr account, please share it with us.
Have you participated in previous GISHWHESeseses?
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