Application form
This form allows to apply in the project to contribute in the dissemination of Human Rights and Diversity supported by the Observatory against Discrimination in Spain in collaboration with the Human Rights Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Spain.

Remember that you must be under 30 years old and that the deadline of the application is the 15 of July 2016.
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Grant supported by the Government of Spain
Project in cooperation with the Spanish Monitoring Centre againts LGBTFobia
PERSONAL INFORMATION ( Name, Surname , Age, City and Nationality) *
ACADEMIC INFORMATION ( level of studies, current studies, current college or school ) *
Why do you want to participante in a project about Human Rights and Diversity?
What is the situation of minorities and LGBT people in your country?
Do you participate in NGOs or civil society groups in your country?
What is your level of spanish?
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What is your personal motivation to participate in this training course?
How do you think that you could contribute as a Human Right activist to improve Diversity in your country?
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Email *
I confirm my request and accept the terms of the project by committing to attend 18 hours per week of training in collaboration with the coordinating entities of the program. *
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