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Paper Folds and Math Shapes - Summer workshop 2023
Paper folding provides active mathematical experiences to children that will ignite their curiosity about learning Geometry, properties and proofs! A fun way to connect Paper Art with Math Geometry!

Online Workshop is intended for kids studying in class 6  to 10.

Workshop dates: May 2nd to May 5th (4 days)
Workshop Time: 3.30 PM to 4.30 PM IST
Fee: Rs. 500

Please transfer the fee to below Bank Account  or through UPI/GPAY/PayTM to UPI ID: 7402085260@upi. 

Account name: Vidhya Govindan
Account number: 50100077654423
Bank: HDFC
IFSC: HDFC0000574

Enter the Transaction Reference Number in this form to register. We will get back to your email id with workshop confirmation details.

 For any queries contact or 7402085260
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