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MIS2502 Data Analytics - Section 3
Hello everyone, welcome to the MIS 2502 course.

Before we start, I want to learn about you to make this class better.

Please respond to this survey only once.

You have to log-in to leave a response, but no worries. Your email address is not collected.
What is your major? *
After graduation, do you want to get a job in the fields related to data analytics? *
Do you have experience of any programming languages? If so, please write down programming languages. Otherwise, please write down 'no.' *
Did you take any statistics courses? (from Temple, online courses, etc.) *
Do you have internship/work experience? *
Please check time slots you are available this Spring semester (You can choose nothing or more than one). One of these times would be an office hour of our ITA. My office hours are 4-5pm every Mon and Wed.
(Mon/Wed) 12pm-1pm
(Fri) 12:45pm - 1:45pm
Please leave any comments if you have. (If it's something you have to talk with me, please feel free to email me.)
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