As Media Production Questionnaire
After you have watched our opening title sequence we would like to hear some feedback so we can improve our final production.

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On a scale of 1 to 5, do you understand the basic narrative of the opening title sequence? *
1 being you understand and 5 being you don't understand
On a scale of 1 to 5, does the soundtrack throughout the clip connect with the video *
1 being it fits and 5 being it does not fit
Do you think the sound creates tension? *
As this is an opening title sequence, would you carry on watching the film? *
Do you think that it fits in with the Film Noir genre? if not then what genre would you place it in? *
Are there any clips you think don't work well or fit in with the opening title sequence? *
We have rated our film as an 18, do you think this is correct? If not then what film certificate would you give it? *
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you like the opening title sequence? *
1 being you love it and 10 being you hate it
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