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Because I Have a Voice - The Heroine's Journey
Dates: Various - See below
Time: 10 am - 5 pm
Venue: Navan Centre and Fort. 81 Killylea Rd, Armagh BT60 4LD
Contact us at 07540075991 or
Upon receipt of confirmation we will email you a copy of the T&Cs.

Paypal is simply enter the total and send.
You can also send payment via bank transfer. Details available on request.  
Cash is also accepted, but payment must be paid before the place is confirmed.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Age (optional)
Gender (optional)
Dietary Requirements including any allergies and intolerances - we will not be including nuts

Mobility Requirements (if needed)
Phone Number
Two emergency contacts, with name and relationship

What sessions will you be attending? 
It is £60 per session. 
Why have you decided to attend this workshop/workshops and what do you hope to learn/ experience? (This question is optional :))
Any questions or comments about the course? 
Sessions are only confirmed upon payment. *
Declaration: I understand that undertaking outdoor activities and workshop sessions carries a risk with it and Elements will do its best to ensure that it is carried out in as safe a manner as possible. I also acknowledge that I will abide by and instructions for the safety and well-being of myself and other course participants. I will abide by the Terms and Conditions outlined by Elements upon the receipt of them for my safety and the safety of others.
Elements runs activities through the year and sends out a quarterly newsletter. Would you like to receive it? If so please give us your permission to put you on our mailing list.
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