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Miami Valley Leave No Child Inside Collaborative  New Partner 2022-2024 
This form was created to gather contact information on new partners of Miami Valley Leave No Child Inside (MVLNCI) Collaborative.

Those who have common interest in connecting youth to nature are encouraged to join our local MVLNCI.  Partners are expected to be able to represent an agency/organization or have a significant circle of adult contacts with whom they activity work with to support local youth with outdoor access and opportunities to connect to nature.

Mission: The MVLNCI collaborative engages and empowers our community to make time and create access for outdoor exploration, play and learning.

Vision: Children will be healthier, happier, and smarter through outdoor play, exploration and learning.

    Children are happier, healthier, and smarter through nature connection.
    Children need unstructured and imaginative outdoor play.
          with their families;
          with other children.
     Children have the right to take developmentally appropriate risks in order to grow.
     Nature Exploration- Children understand that they are part of nature and want to protect it.

As a partner, you and or your agency would:
Provide a logo (if possible) that can be used with MVLNCI promotional materials as opportunity allows showing community support for the MVLNCI efforts.  
Help MVLNCI promote our events to your specific audiences.
Provide a contact person that is listed on a shared excel MVLNCI partner list
Receive our newsletter (via email/Send in Blue)  
And partners are asked to share their best practices for helping children connect to nature with the community.

Partners also champion projects they bring to MVLCNI for collaboration and help.
Any partner is welcome to approach the group with projects that help create and promote youth access to nature.
As of September 2015 MVLNCI has created a MVLNCI Board to help guide this work and is working towards building capacity within our organization.  

You may direct specific questions to Douglas Horvath Chair MVLNCI

Please fill in the survey below.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Are you part of a larger organization and do you have the organization's approval to become a partner?  *
What is your name? First and Last *
Please "opt in" to our communications. Note: We use a communications service to send out monthly updates about the Board Meetings and projects.  *
What agency do you work for? (Write Independent Advocate if you are not with a specific agency)
What is your title or position?
What is your phone number? *
If you have a link to you agency webpage please list it here.
If you don't work for an agency, what is your role? Please choose below:
In which Miami Valley Leave No Child Inside County  do you belong? *
What average age groups of the children you are engaging through Leave No Child Inside? Choose all that primarily apply.
Have you been to a  Miami Valley Leave No Child Inside Summit?  Please watch our Facebook page for up to date information about future MVLNCI Events.
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Have you visited our MVLNCI FaceBook page   which is an easy way to share and receive more information about local opportunities? (Please note we do not send out routine newsletters at this time so visiting our Facebook Page is the best way to stay informed.)
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Have you visited the Miami Valley Leave No Child Inside Website?
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Have you looked at the online application forms for the Connect to Nature award?
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Please note that as a partners we share your contact info with others in the  Leave No Child Inside Collaborative.  Thank You for joining our MVLNCI Collaborative as a partner.
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