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Safe Sanctuary Lesson 3: Children & Youth Specific
Please take this brief quiz after completing Lesson 3 of the Church of the Master Safe Sanctuary policy training.
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Name (First and Last) *
How often do the Individual Medical/Participation forms for Children and Youth Ministry programming get filled out? *
1 point
If a child or youth's transportation is late to pick up, what location would NOT be okay to wait with them? *
1 point
Is it ever ok for an adult youth ministry volunteer to date a youth? *
1 point
In regards to an overnight ministry event, what does the make up of the event staff need to be? *
1 point
Is it okay for a youth driver to transport other youth (besides siblings) home after a youth event?
1 point
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What must a driver have on file to be able to drive for a ministry event? (Check all that apply) *
2 points
What determines the number of riders in a vehicle for a ministry event?
1 point
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Based on the age and state requirements, which of these statements about our children's ministry program is true?
1 point
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