Plickers Seconday (6-12) Facebook Group Sign-Up
Please fill out this form if you are interested in joining a Facebook group for teachers who are using Plickers or who want to learn more about it. There are now two groups, one for elementary teachers (K-5) and one for middle and high school teachers (grades 6-12). This signup form is just for the secondary (6-12) group. Laura Candler has set up the secondary group, and if you want to join that one, click over to her sign up form here:

You are welcome to sign up for both groups if you mostly want to read what others are doing to learn how to use Plickers, but please make sure anything you ask or share with both groups is appropriate for those grade levels.

Here's how to sign up for the Plickers Secondary 6-12 group:
1. Fill out the form below.
2. Go to the Facebook group ( and click the Join button.

When I see your request to join the group, I'll approve it and you'll be in. This step might take up to 24 hours. See you in the group!

Chris Kesler
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First & Last Name *
Email Address *
This is where your invitation to join the Facebook group will be sent, so please enter the email address associated with your Facebook page.
Facebook Name *
How does your name appear to others who follow you on Facebook?
Facebook URL *
What is the URL of your Facebook profile page? It will look something like this:
Location *
City and state (US) or country
How much experience do you have using Plickers? *
Never Used Plickers
Use Plickers Regularly
What is your current role in education? *
Sample responses: 12th grade teacher, 8th grade science teacher, literacy coach, Assistant Principal, educational blogger, etc.
Blog or Website
If you have a blog or website, please enter the URL below. If not, leave it blank.
Comments or Questions
I'll read and consider anything you post here, but I might not be able to respond to you personally. If I respond within the group, I will not share who asked the question or made the comment.
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