ARCH HQ Request
Make sure you have at least 8k ARCH in your address or you will be DENIED.

1. Open wallet and Go to File --> Sign Message
2. Enter Address
3. Enter Signed Message (just email address)
4. Enter Press button "Signed Message"
5. Copy address, message and signature to google form
6. Wait for approval email

If you do not get approved with in 5 hours please double check that your message verifies and check the block chain and make sure you have at least 8k ARCH.  If it is less then 8k Type "listaddressgroupings" in console and pick an address with at least 8k ARCH.

Resubmit a new message if you do not get approved with in 5 hours.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Handle/Name *
Email address *
ARCH Address with at least 8k ARCH in it *
Make sure this address has 8k in it Check on to verify.  Type "listaddressgroupings" in console to verify the correct balance in your address.
Signed Message *
just make it your email address
Signature *
super long generated string
Referral (OPTIONAL)
IRC nick,email,twitter name, BCT name
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