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Keeping Games Fun and Friendly Quiz
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1. Decide whether the interactions below involve digital media. *
4 points
Involves digital media
Does not involve digital media
Sending a text message
Passing a note in class
Chatting with someone in a video game
Commenting on a video
2. Which example below shows a positive social interaction? *
1 point
3. Andrea is playing an online video game with other people she knows. In the last round of the game, a new player she doesn't know joins the game. The new player starts posting mean comments about Andrea's character in the chat box. What should Andrea do? *
1 point
4. You're playing an online video game with a few friends. One of them makes a move that forces all of you to start the level over again. You are irritated. What could you say to keep things friendly and positive? *
1 point
5. How confident do you feel in being able to stay positive and friendly while playing online games? *
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