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SESBASS 2018 Travel Award ($900 CAD)
A limited number of travel awards are available for attendance at the SES Biotechnology and Allied Sciences Symposium at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay Ontario, Canada. These awards are intended to help cover travel and hotel costs. To be eligible for a travel award, the applicant must:
be registered for the symposium;
submit an abstract (poster or oral);
be first author on the abstract work;

As well as completing this form online, you must submit the following to

1. A copy of the abstract submitted to the Symposium
2. A brief curriculum vitae, two pages maximum.
3. A one-page essay describing their research focus and reasons for wishing to attend this Symposium.

The winner of the award will be reimbursed for travel and accommodation expenses to a maximum of $900 CAD upon submission of original receipts.

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