Manual For Civilization
Here begins the selection effort for the Manual For Civilization for The Interval.  We would like you to submit entries for this new collection at the Long Now Salon for the 3500 books you would most want if you had to restart or sustain civilization.

So.. If you were stranded on a desert island, what books will YOU pick?  Come on, be honest.

We have made strides to make it as easy as possible to make submissions.  Our main identifier is an Amazon URL and our main sharing mechanism is an Internet Archive link, so please enter both if available.

PS: Dont forget to bookmark this so that you can come back as you think of new resources.
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Title or description? *
(A few words to identify the resource)
What Category? *
(Where does it best fit? Does not have to be perfect)
Amazon URL:  This is the real differentiator, please make sure its right! *
(Please use Amazon links if there is one, otherwise the most definitive URL you can find.)
Why did you select this?: *
(you are welcome to include an outside review, just be sure it is relevant and brief)
Your Name *
(put in your name so we know who the referrer is)
Is it already at the Internet Archive?
(please enter if available as this is the best way for others to use this resource)
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