Scents N Secrets - Return and Exchange Form
Dear Customer,
Firstly, we apologize for not delivering you the desired satisfaction. This form is here to fulfill your return/exchange requests promptly. Just fill this form and leave rest to us.
1. We accept any product with which you're not satisfied.
2. We accept return/exchange requests up to 1 week from the date of order delivery.
3. Products should have at least 90% remaining in the bottle.
4. Return/Exchange requests are processed within 3-5 working days.
5. Delivery charges are not refundable for your exchange/return order.
6. Customers have to pay the delivery charges for exchange order.
7. Tester Box (Sample Box) is not refundable as it is solely for the purpose of testing fragrances.
8. Orders above Rs.10,000 are not refundable, and can only be exchanged.
9. Incase of damage, leakage, or wrong product, we bear the delivery charges.