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Los Angeles 2020 Mobility Survey
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What Part of LA do you live?
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Do you often wear a mask?
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On a scale of 1-5 How tired are you of having to social distance?
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How has social distancing effected you mentally and emotionally?
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What is more important to you?
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On a scale of 1 - 5 how safe do you feel spending time / hiking outdoors?
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Prior to Covid-19 how many days a week did you spend doing outdoor activities?
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Currently how many days a week do you spend doing outdoor activities?
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If so, on a Scale of 1-5 How difficult do you find it to keep your mask on while exercising now?  (If you do not exercise outside choose 1)
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Would you be interested in knowing how crowded an area is prior to visiting?
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Have you ever gone to a public space and felt uncomfortable or unsafe due to Covid-19
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If yes, what factor made you most uncomfortable about the space?
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Would you be available for a more in depth interview? (via zoom $10 Starbucks gift card for all interviewed)
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If yes, what is your email?
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Any additional thoughts?
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