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CHD Community
The information you provide us help us create a community of people who have relations with hole in the heart. We want to support and encourage each other as we go in this journey. Cheers 🥂😘
Email *
Which of the following category do you fall into? *
What is your full name? *
Which state or area are you based in?

What's your CHD warrior's (the person with hole in the heart) age? *
What's our warriors diagnosis? *
At what stage are you in the CHD journey?
How would you want this Community to benefit you especially? *
other warriors and organizations
on appointments, and other future procedures
on heart health, diet, exercise plans etc
Emotional/Psychological support. Contact admin if you need financial support
Follow up
Are you willing to share your CHD journey/survivor story to encourage others? *
For yes above, can we call you to be a part of our heart to heart talk physically or online as we create awareness on CHD? *
Would you want to Volunteer to be at any of our events? If yes please drop ur contact info
Please write your social media handle if you are willig for us to tag you on our posts.
We are @chdfnigeria on Facebook, You tube , Instagram and Twitter
Please drop your phone number, preferably WhatsApp. Reach us on 08149190907. (Country code is +234) *
Would you want to tell us anything, pls drop it here.
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