Editor Application - Louis Weisz
Hello potential editors! Thanks for your interest in working with me. I’ve excited to see what you can bring to the table! 

While I’d like to bring someone on full-time in the future, for now this position is contract-based, with each project generally taking 30-40 hours of work for editors I’ve worked with in the past. Expect at least one project like this per month, and as I work on ramping up production, probably closer to 2. 

You’ll be editing large projects, generally 500+GB of footage, and 12+ hour raw timelines are not uncommon. These are not easy edits, and if you’ve never tried anything like this before, it might take a minute to adjust — which I totally understand. For this reason, it’s important that you can be both efficient and decisive in your cuts — and to be able to make decisions on the fly as to what tidbits should be included in the final edit.

That said, I usually pay hourly rather than per project, to ensure that I’m fairly compensating you for your time. I also communicate actively and frequently throughout the editing process, starting with a brief overview of the project and how the footage has been organized. In addition, my phone is always on if you have questions in the midst of your work. Efficiency is important, but not at the cost of quality — we never post videos that aren’t truly finished, and you’ll always receive proper credit in the description as editor in addition to payment.

Editing is an incredibly important part of any channel, and while I’ll be overseeing the edits creatively, I’ll also be relying on you to make good decisions during the process. As I’ve said to editors before, editing a video should be like sculpting marble — we can visualize the sculpture inside the block, and it’s your job to chip away at the excess to pull out the final shape.

Selected candidates will receive a link to a folder with a 2-hour rough cut of an unreleased video to cut into a 15-20 minute long “story cut”, basically a rough cut of the final product, minus any fancy overlays, voiceovers, or other accoutrements. This should take you no more than a day to complete, though you don’t have to do it all at once — I’m happy to let you spread it out over a couple days, as I’m sure you have lots on your plate (as do I).

I’m excited to meet you, and to see what you can do! 
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Name *
Full legal name
Email *
Phone number *
What experience do you have? Any degrees? Are you currently in school? *
Why do you want to edit for the Louis Weisz YouTube channel? *
Where are you located? Please put your City & State here, or country if located outside the US. *
Please link to at least 2 examples of videos you’ve edited, preferably on YouTube. This is your chance to show off! Give me your best work.

You can also include a portfolio if you have one.
Are you a professional editor already? If so, how long have you been doing it? *
How much youtube do you watch? (Estimate) *
What are your top 3 favorite youtube channels? *
Select one of your all-time favorite youtube videos, something that you didn’t edit. Provide a link.
What stands out to you about it to you? What sets it apart from other videos like it & keeps it in your memory? Are there things that were done in the edit that help bring this forward? 

A few sentences or bullet points is fine, you don’t have to write an essay, even if you could.
What are your three favorite videos on my channel? Doesn’t have to be in order. *
Pick a video I’ve posted. What one thing would you change about the edit to improve it? 
If it’s easier for you to communicate thoughts by editing, feel free to download the video and link a short example clip here — but this is by no means required.
Do you have reliable access to high-speed internet? (25mbps minimum, easily able to download large files) *
How flexible is your schedule? Could you easily complete edits within a 2-week timeframe? *
What sets you apart from the other candidates applying for this position? What makes you the ideal person for this role? *
Are there any questions you have for me about this position? *
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