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Religious Education Registration 2024-2025
We're excited to have your family join us for the 2024-2025 Religious Education year at Cathedral of Christ the King. Please complete this form to register your children to participate.

Kindergarten-6th Grades will attend religious education from 5:30 to 6:30 on Wednesday nights.
7th-11th Grades will attend religious education from 7:00 to 8:00 on Wednesday nights.
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Email *
Number of students in your household who will be attending Religious Education through Cathedral this school year *
Parental Permission for Circle of Grace Training

Your child will be participating an a safe environment training called "Creating Safe & Sacred Places for Children and Youth." This training session is the Diocese Response to the mandate of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops Charter for the protection of children & youth:  Promise to Protect, Pledge to Heal. 

Parents and adults want to protect children from those who might harm them, but no child can be supervised 24 hours/day. The Circle of Grace Training will help your child recognize his or her value as a person created in the image & likeness of God, as someone who deserves to be loved and treated with respect, as well as a person who will show respect to others. It will also teach your child age appropriate way he/she can reduce the likelihood of being sexually abused; with ways to get help from others if needed.

The training will be held during religious education classes held on Wed, November 16, 2022. If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office at 715.392.8511.

Emails or phone calls are not an acceptable response for allowing your child to participate. Please complete the appropriate box(es) below.
Youth Image and Recording Release Form

The Diocese of Superior and its affiliated parishes/schools may with to use an image and/or recording of your child in print and electronic publicity and virtual education or youth group activities. It is the practice of the Diocese of Superior to protect all children at all times including the public use of their image and/or recording. This release has been developed to inform parents and guardians of their right to grant or refuse permission for their child's image and/or likeness to be used in the Diocesan and affiliated parish and school media, promotional materials, and virtual education.

Permission to use any video, recording, photograph, slide, audio recording, or any other visual or audio reproduction in which your child may appear may include promotional and education activities such as, but not limited to, websites, social media sites, newsprint, flyers or brochures, virtual classroom. We reserve the right to determine which image and/or recording is used an dhow long it will remain on the site or is used in medial materials.

If you have any questions, please contact Cathedral of Christ the King at 715.392.8511.
Family Mailing Address *
City, State, Zip Code *
Parent or guardian first name *
Parent or guardian last name *
Parent(s) or guardian(s) phone number(s) *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone *
Emergency Contact Relationship to Student *
Which parish does your family belong to? *
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