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Capital City Crew Volunteer Form
Capital City Crew provides an opportunity for inner-city youth to play ice hockey through our partnerships with the Wake County Boys & Girls Clubs, Raleigh Youth Hockey Association (RYHA), and the Carolina Hurricanes.  Our program teaches life lessons and positive character traits such as leadership, gamesmanship, respect, cooperation, industriousness, honesty, and integrity through the sport of ice hockey.  This non-profit organization dedicates itself to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential on the ice and in the community.
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Name *
First & Last
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Please include the area code
What part of the Capital City Crew would you like to volunteer with? *
If you checked that you would like to volunteer on-ice, how many years of experience do you have coaching hockey?
Are you currently coaching hockey? *
Please provide a brief history of your experience working with youth *
Are you a USA Hockey certified coach?
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