Senior Exit Survey
I'm proud of you all. This information will help me stay in touch with you in the future. Contact me when you get to school with your address and I'll send you letters/Daily Dose poems!  

Nothing makes me prouder and excited than to see former students again. Please come back and visit any time, my door is always open. I look forward to hearing who you become.
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What is your first and last name? *
What are your future plans? *
If you are attending college, what is the name of the school you will be attending: *
Except for UCs, please do NOT use acronyms, abbreviations, or nicknames: spell it out completely. For example, please write University of San Francisco, not USF. However, UC Berkeley is fine.
Would it be okay if I contact you or give your email/name to a future student about what it's like at your university? *
If you would like Mr. Chilton to be able to stay in contact with you, please provide a cell phone:
If you would like Mr. Chilton to be able to stay in contact with you, please provide an email:
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