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What's next? 
Over the last four years, we have done many things to create a wonderful learning environment for your child. 
Here are just a few...

Facilities upgrades including: 
  • Renovating the Academy Office, teachers lounge, and student restrooms
  • Reroofing the lunch tables
  • Commissioning a mural
  • Removed the acoustic and repainted all the classrooms
  • Purchased new roller shades for all classrooms and EDC
  • Added water bottle filling stations
  • Built a TK & K playground
  • Upgraded the wireless infrastructure

Improved student learning by:
  • Purchasing new Religion, Reading, Phonics, Social Studies and Science textbooks
  • Purchasing online platforms to support learning (BrainPop, reading A-Z, Generation Genius, etc.)
  • Providing Chromebooks 1:1 for TK-8th
  • Purchasing iPads for use with assessments
  • Providing after school clubs (arts & crafts, crochet, guitar, drama, handbells, sports)
  • Providing Professional Learning for the Staff
  • Hiring a Spanish Teacher
  • Hiring a Learning Support Teacher

We know Safety is a priority for families. Here is what we have been working on:
  • Replaced the Fire Panel
  • Purchased Emergency backpacks for each room at the school. 
  • Purchased AED's 
  • All staff is CPR/First Aid/AED certified
  • Installed temporary cameras awaiting our site-wide installation
  • Had a safety inspection of our campus. (We are very secure. The challenge times are drop off and pick up when students are not within our gates.) 
  • Leadership attended the Diamond Safety Training to learn about Active Shooters and how to take care of individuals injured. 
  • Leadership is working with industry Leaders on creating a comprehensive safety Plan that will replace the plan we have currently. 
  • Met with security company to discuss the options for a security guard on campus. 

Now we are ready to plan for the future and we would like to hear what you think will make our school even more amazing. Thank you for taking the time to help us. This information will be used to generate plans for the next 5 years. 

Email *
What academic programs would you like to see added?  *
What facilities improvements would you like to see?  *
What safety improvements would you like to see? *
What technology improvements would you like to see?  *
Additional thoughts and ideas... *
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