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IniRegistration Link to attend the SEMINAR "How to Modernize & Transform Your Distribution?"
With the desire to introduce the distributor management system to manufacturing enterprises in the FMCG, Pharmaceutical, ... in the Indonesia market. IDS, together with HQSOFT, cordially invites you to attend the seminar "How to Modernize & Transform Your Distribution?" This is an opportunity for you to meet and interact with businesses that have successfully applied and implemented our DMS solution, and at the same time, this is also an opportunity for you to experience the ecosystem. DMS – Managing and monitoring online sales distribution via mobile devices – supporting management and monitoring of instant sales distribution channels, improving management costs, increasing administrative and operating capacity. 

IDS cordially invites you to participate in HQSOFT's eSales DMS product introduction seminar program in Indonesia market. At the conference, you also have the opportunity and exchange with many businessmen from different industries.

Note: We will send registration confirmation with the attendance code via your email

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