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Dear Alyne "How To Business" Interview!
Hey! Are you a self-made entrepreneur? Welcome!

This form is to express interest in being interviewed for the "How to Business" interview series by Dear Alyne. If we do not interview you, please do not be sad or offended! We plan to interview ONE person per country and we want to make sure you're a right fit for the audience and vice versa! And thank you SO MUCH for your interest, we appreciate it! THE POINT OF THESE INTERVIEWS IS TO BE COMPLETELY TRANSPARENT. IF YOU'RE NOT COMFORTABLE DISCUSSING YOUR INCOME, EXPENSES, HARDSHIPS, GROWTH, DETAILS, ETC WITH COMPLETE HONESTY IT WILL NOT BE A GOOD FIT.
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Email *
Full Name *
Date of birth *
What country are you from? (We are trying to keep the group diverse) *
What country do you live in now? *
Instagram or Facebook (or linked in link) *
What is the name of the business you run and what type of business is it? *
If your business has an online presence, please drop the link here
How long have you been running this business? *
When was your "big breakthrough" - how did you go from feeling "normal" to reaching your ideal goal of success with income? *
What is your average monthly net/gross income? We are looking for entrepreneurs who net around $5k-$50k a month (not too big or not too small to be relatable). **But we will of course make exceptions in both directions if it's a good fit! ** *
How many employees do you have (if any?) *
Are you open to being completely honest and transparent? Thats how we think people really learn! *
Anything else you'd like us to know or consider? *
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