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In C, how do you properly initialise an array?  *
0 points
What does the following declaration mean?
int (*ptr)[10];
0 points
In C, if you pass an array as an argument to a function, what actually gets passed? *
0 points
Array is an example of _______ type memory allocation. *
0 points
Array can be considered as set of elements stored in consecutive memory locations but having __________. *
0 points
What will be the address of the arr[2][3] if arr is a 2-D long array of 4 rows and 5 columns and starting address of the array is 2000? *
0 points
A one dimensional array A has indices 1....75. Each element is a string and takes up three memory words. The array is stored at location 1120 decimal. The starting address of A[49] is *
0 points
What is the maximun number of dimensions an array in C may have? *
0 points
Choose a correct statement about C language arrays. *
0 points
Comment on the following 2 arrays with respect to P and Q.

   int *a1[8];
   int *(a2[8]);
   P. Array of pointers
   Q. Pointer to an array
0 points
What will happen if in a C program you assign a value to an array element whose subscript exceeds the size of array? *
0 points
What is an array? *
0 points
What is the output of C program with arrays and pointers.? int main() { int a[3] = {20,30,40}; printf("%d", *(a+1)); } *
0 points
An array elements are always stored in ___________ memory locations. *
0 points
What are the Types of Arrays.? *
0 points
An array Index starts with.? *
0 points
Choose a correct statement about C language arrays. *
0 points
An entire array is always passed by ___ to a called function. *
0 points
What is an array Base Address in C language.? *
0 points
What is the output of C Program with arrays and pointers.? void change(int[]); int main() { int a[3] = {20,30,40}; change(a); printf("%d %d", *a, a[0]); } void change(int a[]) { a[0] = 10; } *
0 points
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