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SAT & ACT Combo Test Registration
Wondering either SAT or ACT suits you better? Take Trinity Scholar's 3.5-hour Combo Test to find out.
It's an online test, so you'd take it wherever and whenever you feel like to
More about the Combo Test:

力可提供免費線上SAT/ ACT綜合測驗, 利用這3.5小時的模擬試題, 了解選擇哪個考試對你最有利!

更多關於 SAT/ ACT綜合測試:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
電子信箱 Email *
聯絡電話 Phone (ex: 0912-345-678) *
請列出欲參加考試的日期 Please indicate the date(s) you'd like to take the Combo Test *
學生中文姓名 Student Name in Chinese *
學生英文名 Student's Last Name *
學生英文名 Student's First Name *
目前學校 Current School *
年級 Grade *
您如何得知此活動? Where do you know about this event? *
其他建議  Other thoughts or comments
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