English 1006G first term feedback for
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1. Writing in this course is generally done in a situation where people read each other's writing in order to respond and learn from it. Is reading other people's writing and writing in the awareness that others are reading what you write helping, or changing, how you write and read?
2. Written and oral student discussion, I believe, facilitates learning. Has such discussion promoted your own learning? If so, how?
3. During the first term I've tried to use close attention to literary texts -- _Private Lives_, "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Second Death" -- to help people attend to the way language works, and to help them be better writers about that. To what extent has this been helpful to you?
4. I've tried to help people stay engaged in the work of the course by creating regular short assignments, and class discussions (written and oral) about them. Has that helped you? Does counting completed tasks and using them to create a minimum mark help?
5. In trying to create a course that helps people take responsibility for their own learning, and for assessing for themselves the quality of their own work, I've invited people to see their own work in the context of the work of others. That's one reason so much student writing in this course is public. If you've compared your own work with that of others, has this helped you get a clearer idea of how to improve your own? If not, why not?
6. In trying to offer opportunities for as many people as possible to be engaged in the continuing process of learning, I've used a number of strategies in the classroom -- especially working in small groups on focused questions, employing the data projector to allow us to consider specific passages of text, focusing on student contributions to discussions. Has this helped your learning? How could it be improved?
7. What do you think it's important for me to know about how this course works (or doesn't) that the questions I've asked above don't provide occasion for you to answer?
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