2020 USRowing Virtual Youth National Championships - Petition Form
USRowing will accept petitions; acceptance of a petition does not guarantee a bid to race in the 2020 Virtual Youth National Championships.

Petitions must be submitted no later than Monday, May 27, 2019 at 5:00 P.M. EDT. Only two (2) bids will be reserved for NEIRA
programs unless the final selection posting does not fill all open bids.


Petitions must be submitted via the online form on the Youth Nationals web page.

Petitions will only be accepted from a coach or team administrator. Parents, athletes, referees, and
others who do not act as a coach or official administrator to the crew submitting the petition are not
eligible to submit a petition on a crew’s behalf.

All event categories can receive a maximum of 28 entries. If an event is fully subscribed and not all
petitions can be accepted, the Youth National Championships Advisory Council will choose the petitions
from the most competitive crews based on the information given in the petition.

Crews will be notified of their petition status on May 28, 2019. NEIRA crews will be notified of their
petition status on May 30, 2019.

Petitions will not be accepted from athletes that are part of a boat that was excluded or disqualified
while participating in that event at a qualifying regatta, unless the exclusion or disqualification is

Petitions will not be accepted from crews competing in non-qualifying events held as part of a
qualification regatta. Petitions will not be accepted from crews that have not competed in the
petitioned event at an on-water competition since January 1 of the current calendar year.
Petitions will be accepted for the following reasons. Petitions that do not meet these requirements will
not be sent to the Petition Committee for consideration.

- An unfortunate event, especially something beyond the ordinary or the expected, which caused
a disadvantage that precluded a crew to compete in a qualifying event. Poor rowing,

- The petitioning crew must provide the petition committee substantiation of sufficient boat
speed within the following time standards of the last qualified crew in the petitioned category at
a recognized YNC qualifying regatta.

o 8+/4+/4x: within three (3) seconds
o 2x/2-/1x: within five (5) seconds

A link to the results used to substantiate boat speed must be provided with the submitted petition.

Petitions are required to include the contact information of the Chief Referee at the regatta in order to
confirm the details of the circumstances surrounding the petition.

Petitions will be reviewed and voted on by a subcommittee of five members of the Youth National
Championships Advisory Council:

● Sarah Low (Atlanta Jr)
● Padraic McGovern (Everett Rowing)
● Larry Muri (Fordham Prep)
● Aaron Preetam (Germantown Friends)
● Falesha Thrash (Texas Rowing Center)

After reviewing the petitions, the Petition Committee will notify crews of the status of their request on
the dates listed above. Crews whose petitions are declined shall also receive an explanation as to why
their petition was not accepted. If a crew whose petition was not accepted has compelling new
information to be considered, it may request an appeal of the decision.

The burden is on the appealing crew to provide compelling new information for consideration. Simply
disagreeing with the Petition Committee’s decision is not grounds for an appeal.

The new information, and original petition, will then be voted on by the full Youth National
Championships Advisory Council. The status of the appeal will be determined by the vote of the majority
of the full Youth National Championships Advisory Council.

Petitions received from crews finishing within the time standard at a qualifying regatta with three bids
may receive an expedited decision if a qualifying crew chooses to decline its bid for the Youth National
Championships in the event. A crew must submit a petition with a time within the time standard in order
to be eligible. Teams will be notified on the Tuesday of the week after their qualification event, if they
receive this expedited acceptance into the regatta. All other petitions, including those within the time
standard where the other crews from their qualification event do not decline bids, will be reviewed and
notified on the date listed above.
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Email *
Name of Qualifier *
Event Category *
Only crews competing in qualifying events are eligible to submit a petition.
Chief Referee of Event *
Regatta Director of Qualifying Regatta *
Include contact information
Name of Organization *
Name of Person Submitting Petition *
Position of Person Submitting Petition
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Address *
Daytime Contact # *
Petitions may be granted if the crew meets the following criteria. *
Please do not submit petitions that do not meet these requirements, as they will not be considered. Select reason for petition.
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